Inventory of Fundamental Assets (OC) - the actual inventory of a company, a business, an unsecured asset for accounting and reporting. Providing inventory OS is unreliable, in the first place, before the annual accounting reporting, and, accordingly, is required for a long time. Otherwise, an inventory of assets is subject to the following exceptions: as part of the material-liability disclosure, the factual disclosure, misstatement or misstatement of the reorganization or liquidation company. Inventory is maintained in all organiza - tions, inevitably given by the business ownership and ownership of the property. Nasha company also specializes in the procurement of equipment for inventory management: equipment and machinery, transport equipment, household inventory and work tools, furniture and other products.
Multinational work experience, high professionalism of employees, as well as modern technologies allowed us to develop efficient methodologies for the implementation of the basic tools. In the bases of several key principles, which guarantee the unconditional high results, unequivocally the objects of the work and the obtaining of objects, namely: the standardization process and the data collection; indifference to the auditor; permanent control of quality of work; utilizing the programmed provision. The leading beginner project team of our specialists constantly teaches expert assessment of the time and schedule of work with timely and resource specifications. By the way, the process of inventory process is maximal prozranchny for the customer. Besides physicist revision of the basic tools, our company is implementing the work and on the right track. Similarly, a typical project is either a complete non-existent inventory, but also a markup on a real property, which creates a single database, for a long period of time.